Local Services

Commissioning, Maintenance, Repairs and On-Site Training.


Complete mechanical, electrical and instrumentation testing according to Client requirements and provide reports accordingly. Ensure equipment is livened-up and tested according to Client’s requirements.

Use cases

Subcontract of commissioning services: Commissioning is part of Client’s supply contract and he wants to reduce travel costs by outsource commissioning services locally.

Maintenance and Repairs

Perform local maintenance or repairs of industrial equipment on behalf of the Client and meet provided procedures, standards and reporting requirements.

Use cases

  • Subcontract of maintenance routine: Client has a contractual obligation to the local end-user to provide specific maintenance as equipment operation develops.
  • Planned maintenance milestone: Client has an internal reliability procedure that requires specific maintenance as equipment operation develops.
  • Unplanned maintenance event: Client faces an unfortunate shortfall during equipment supply or operation and wants ad-hoc local repair.

On-Site Training

Handle local, on-site training of end-users on behalf of the Client based on provided training documentation and obtain the required level of endorsements.

Use cases

  • Subcontract training routine: Client has a contractual obligation to the end-user to provide local personnel with on-job training.
  • Fulfill quality standard: Client’s reliability plan requirement is to ensure end-user personnel receive training for specific equipment.
  • Develop local services: Client wants to list on-site training as an option within his quotation and would like to understand the local costs basis.